Emotional Wellbeing of Children and Young People 8 - 19 in Bexley

Children and young people’s emotional wellbeing is a topical issue. There is evidence of growing prevalence of mental ill-health among children and young people.


We have produced two reports looking into the emotional health and wellbeing of children aged 8 - 19 years in Bexley.  The importance of social and emotional health of children and young people should be a key priority in Bexley for all those involved in education, with schools being encouraged to take time to focus on these areas where appropriate. Children and young people spend a considerable amount of time in school and this provides an ideal environment for promoting good emotional wellbeing and identifying early behavioral changes and signs of mental distress.

Schools are ideally placed to promote the health and wellbeing of children and young people; laying the foundations for healthier outcomes in adulthood through school-based health promotion programmes.

Good mental health is the foundation of children and young people’s emotional and intellectual growth, underpinning the development of confidence, independence and a sense of self-worth. 

Key Findings:

  • Pressures are commonly experienced among primary school aged children and are particularly noticeable in Year 5 pupils, who are preparing for the selection tests.
  • Children and young people commonly experience sleep problems.
  • Young people age 12-19 stated they sometimes feel anxious or depressed and 14% admitted to having self-harmed with over half stating they knew of someone who had self-harmed.  
  • Having a caring responsibility is a risk factor for poor mental health.
  • A significant proportion of young people do not know where to go for help or who to speak to if they feel anxious or depressed.

Read the full report

If you need this report in a different format, please get in touch:

0208 304 9344


Emotional Wellbeing of Children and Young People Aged 8-11
Emotional Wellbeing of Young People Aged 11-19

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