At a time of increasing pressure on NHS services and financial budgets, this research highlights how the NHS can better take care of Bexley residents and how the care residents receive can be improved.
Healthwatch in the South East London area, have been working together. We have obtained the views of South East London residents, to support the implementation of the local Long Term Plan.
Our annual report shows how our team of volunteers and staff have been at the forefront of changes brought about in the health and social care services, bringing local voices and experiences to the attention of decision makers.
An independent review of the Urgent Care Centre (UCC) site at Erith Hospital found it unfit for purpose. This report outlines the proposed move from an UCC at Erith Hospital to Erith Health Centre.
We talked to Bexley residents who were discharged from hospital under the Discharge to Assess (D2A) and Reablement Schemes about their experiences and views.