Need Some Help with 'Digital'?

Keeping up with digital technology can open up many opportunities, such as being able to shop online or watch concerts and films, all from the comfort of home. It can help you find new ways to connect with family and friends, find out about activities that are happening in your local area or access extra support. Lots of activities can now be done without even leaving the house at all so being stuck at home no longer means someone can't make choices or feel part of Bexley. Some activities like managing health appointments can be challenging without any digital skills at all.
Who are Digital Champions?
Bexley Digital Champions are volunteers of all ages and from all backgrounds and communities who are based in a variety of organisations all over Bexley. They can help residents understand the benefits of using the internet and can show you how to do simple things online that can make a huge difference in people’s lives. You do not need to have any experience and the support is one-to-one, with no classes, so you can go at your own pace. Digital Champions look at things in a way that makes it easy for each person to understand and focus on the things that personally matter to you.
The programme is funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group and is completely FREE to Bexley residents.
Digital Champions are available within many organisations such as:
- Evergreen Care - Belvedere Elderberries walk-in café for anyone over 60
- Bexley Voice have digital champion monthly support at their Tea and Talk sessions in Bexleyheath for anyone with a child or young person with a disability
- Anyone with a learning disability or Autism can access digital support via Re-instates "Living Well" project
If you would like to find out more about how to access support from organisations that are part of this network, please contact Sky Crook on 01322 524 682 or
Here are some examples of activities a Digital Champion volunteer will be able to help you with or introduce you to:
- Using a video call for health appointments or to chat to friends and family
- Filling in online forms including eConsult
- Using the NHS App to order your repeat prescriptions or keep track of appointments
- How to attach files to emails
- Sending a text message
- Getting groceries delivered to your front door
- Keeping safe online
- Using online banking
- Setting up or using an email address
- Printing a form or photograph
- Taking a photo on your phone and sending it to a friend
- Applying for a job
- Understanding more about having 'Internet' in your own home
- Finding online recipes
- Watching online classes
- Finding fun things to do in your neighbourhood
Help is also available at home
Established in March 2020, Isolation Help Bexley is a voluntary organisation seeking to ensure that nobody in Bexley feels isolated.
If you have poor mobility or are in poor health and unable to travel then Isolation Help Bexley has a fantastic team of Digital Champions that can provide support in your own home.
For more information:
0333 050 9227